Something About Bipartite Graph

In this article, I will mention some concepts in graph theory. They usually appear in problems related to bipartite graph. To solve such problems, we need to know these things and some conclusions.

Let’s denote the graph $ G = (V, E) $, where $V$ is the set of vertices and $E$ is the set of edges in graph $G$.

  1. Match: A set of edges $ M \subseteq E $, where any two edges in $M$ do not have common endpoints.
  2. Edge Cover: A set of edges $ F \subseteq E $, where any vertex in $V$ is an endpoint of some edge in $F$.
  3. Independent Set: A set of vertices $ S \subseteq V $, where any vertices in $S$ are not connected with each other.
  4. Vertex Cover: A set of vertices $ S \subseteq V $, where each edge in $E$ has at least one endpoint in $S$ .

Now let’s see some important conclusions which help us solve problems about bipartite graph.
Conclusion (1)
$ | Maximum \ Match | + |Minimum \ Edge \ Cover | = |V| $.
Suppose there are $X$ edges in the Maximum Match, $2X$ vertices are covered by these edges. And Suppose there are $Y$ vertices remain uncovered by any edge. To get the Minimum Edge Cover, we can pick the $X$ edges in the Maximum Match and take extra $Y$ edges which connect all the remain vertices. So $ |Minimum \ Edge \ Cover| = X + Y $, as we defined, $ 2X + Y = |V| $.
Conclusion (2)
$ | Maximum \ Independent \ Set | + | Minimum \ Vertex \ Cover | = |V| $.
Let’s denote $V_{1}$ as the Maximum Independent Set. $V_{2} = V - V_{1}$. Since there are no edges between any two vertices in $V_{1}$ and such set is maximized, $V_{2}$ covers all the edges and $V_{2}$ is minimized. This means $V_{2}$ is the Minimum Vertex Cover.
In a bipartite graph, $ |Maximum \ Match| = |Minimum \ Vertex \ Cover| $.

Actually, to get a Minimum Vertex Cover or a Maximum Independent Set is a NP-Hard problem. But in a bipartite graph, we get can them by using the above conclusions in linear time complexity.